• 19 мая 2020, вторник
  • Онлайн

Product management in challenging times

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1620 дней назад
19 мая 2020 c 17:00 до 20:00

Мы собрали представителей одних из лучших продуктовых организаций – Atlassian, Wrike и Productboard, чтобы обсудить важные проблемы работы продакт менеджера. Поговорим, как жить, выживать, выводить команду, продукт из кризиса, менять положение дел на лету, чтобы не быть выброшенным рынком в тяжелые времена неопределенности. Митап пройдет на английском языке.

Product management can take a toll on your mental and physical strength. It requires a high level of involvement and context switching, and your business goals, teams, and the market are always changing. On top of all that, you have to navigate unpredictable challenges – like the current climate.

How can you be an effective leader during challenging times when your product, teams, and the market are in crisis?

Experts from leading companies of one of the most competitive IT markets (project management solutions), such as Atlassian, Wrike, and Productboard, share lessons they learned and advice for these unprecedented times. In addition to discussions on "emergency" work, we’ll cover issues on the efficiency of product managers, mental health, and burnout prevention.

Speakers and talks:

1. Dmitriy Melikov, Senior PM, Jira Cloud, Atlassian – Jira: how to keep moving and deliver customer value when your product is 18 years old? (WFH edition)

It could be extremely challenging to ship value quickly and constantly for a product that is not young. Dozens of product teams, a number of vertical solutions based on the same platform, 18 years old codebase, and an emerging market full of growing competitors — all these things could make a process quite burdensome. Luckily, that’s not the case for Jira — the key Atlassian product for bug tracking and software development management, released in 2002. While having all these code legacy and product scale challenges, we keep nailing it and delivering required enhancements regularly.

Over time we have established a strong set of processes, best practices, and values that help product teams to navigate through all the complexities in product development and keep a required level of transparency for stakeholders.

We will discuss some of the core product management practices and processes utilized in Atlassian as well as highlight which of them are especially beneficial during these remote COVID times.

2. Anton Danilov, Group PM, Wrike – Managing a Product in Challenging Times: Personal Strategies for a Product Manager

Product Management is a discipline and practice that requires flexibility, adaptation, and resilience skills. However, challenging times of crisis often put our skills to a test as stress levels grow, demand is pressing and the situation is changing by the minute. We will talk about several practical strategies a Product Manager can adopt to be ready for a challenge, and be successful even under heavy pressure.





3. Martin Matuš, Senior PM, Productboard – Product prioritization during a global pandemic.

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted whole economies around the globe. But how is it affecting the day-to-day jobs of a product manager? And what actions should we be taking to respond? In this talk, Martin explains how they have adjusted their strategy at productboard, and discusses the new trends that are emerging in product management





Видеозаписи: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li...



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